Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sagada – Banaue Adventure Part IV

During our last night in Sagada, we’re having some transportation issues on going back home due to fully booked bus tickets to Manila. Actually, our original plan was Sagada-Baguio trip but because of Typhoon "Mina" road from Sagada to Baguio (Halsema Highway) was closed due to several cases of landslides. We never lose our hope to have a successful trip, good thing someone called me and offer a tour to Banaue rice terraces for 300php per head which referred by the owner of George Guest House . I didn’t hesitate since trips from Sagada to Manila are all fully booked, so we decided to divert our way to Sagada-Bontoc-Banaue-Manila. Honestly, it’s out of our budget but we have no choice but to avail the tour package or else we will be stuck in Mountain Province but the good thing is we will be able to see up close the famous Banaue Rice terraces. And since there is a Florida bus station located at Banaue, Kuya who offered the tour also helped us to reserved 8pm seats to Manila.

After finishing our last itinerary for the day we started packing our things and prepared our lunch since our service to Banaue will arrive 2 in the afternoon. We travel almost 3 hours from Sagada to Banaue with a bit of delay on the road because there’s a clearing operation due to minor landslide. It was an exhilarating ride since the cliff road is too narrow and rain started to pour…but eventually your mind will be diverted on how gorgeous the landscape you will see; full of rice fields, trees, mountains and fogs.  Our first stop was the Bay-yo Viewing point which exposes few rice terraces, but equally breathtaking views. After few minutes of enjoying the coldness of the place and few snaps on our cameras to capture scenic views, we continue our travel up to the jump off point of Banaue Rice Terraces.

Bay-yo Rice terraces

Bay-yo rice terraces

Closer look of Bay-yo rice terraces

When we finally reached the magnificent Banaue Rice Terraces we were so amazed; we didn’t expect it to be that stunning. So breathtaking, it’s an amazing creation of God.  Banaue Rice Terraces is actually claimed as one of UNESCOS’s World Heritage Site and considered as the 8th wonder of the world. It is one of the country’s most admired and most visited tourist attractions. This panoramic beauty was built over 2000 years ago by the Ifugao tribes with only primitive tools such as stones and woods. This exquisite beauty gives a glimpse to everyone who visits the place. While staring at the terraces you will be amazed on how intelligent, having great engineering skills of native Filipinos in building this wonderful creation. You will never get tired of gazing at this masterpiece again and again, that’s how wonderful it was and we’re so lucky to see this masterpiece. Truly God is so amazing in creating such lovely chef-d'oeuvre. While staring at it, you’ll realize that our country is truly rich with this kind of treasure and we should raise awareness to conserve this national treasure because it’s a part of who we are as Filipinos. 

Banaue Rice Terraces

great engineering skills 
Rice Terraces

Magnificent Banaue Rice Terraces
Banaue Rice Terraces

Rice fields of Banaue

Wondrous Banaue Rice Terraces

Breathtaking view of Banaue Rice terraces 

Overall, our trip to Mountain Province was a great experience! Nothing really beats in discovering such wonderful places, good people, rich culture, best food and wondrous interaction with nature. Sagada and Banaue in Mountain Province are among the best beautiful places in the Philippines you shouldn’t miss visiting.  Words are not enough to describe the scenery, you should see it yourself, it’s just so amazing! 


  1. Wow great photos!

  2. good day!

    can i use one of your photos of banaue rice terraces for a logo im making?


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