Friday, December 30, 2011

Year-Ender: A so Blessed 2011

As year 2011 draws to an end and countdown already begins, let me share with you the joy brought to us by year 2011 by recapping our roller coaster journey this year. 2011 in general, has been a blast for me; for our group. Although there were trials and negative times, it’s always nice to look back and visualize the many positive things happened this year. 

Firstly, God gave us new bundle of joy as the world welcomed my nephew John Andrei. My father’s business extended their venture to Malaysia and China. Good camaraderie among our employees and good outcome on “0 awol” program that I’ve implemented. My sister & I became more bound as I helped her transfer to new school and new course (From Asia Pacific College/Multimedia Arts to San Beda Alabang/Entrep). Most importantly, deeper relationship for my family, my father started to reach out on us more, he made us feel loved and that we’re important to him. He became more generous as he showered us blessings that we never expected we can have. Maybe the reason behind my father’s total change is his first grandson who always leaves a smile on his face and turning his stress into laughter.

This year is also year of forgiveness as I’ve learned to forgive and forget all the bitterness that other people brought me in the past years. Four of my ex-friends became my friends again and even closer, we pretend like nothing bad happened in our past and bring back the good old times of our friendship and I’m so grateful with that. I also got the chance to witness the wedding of this friend of mine and heard the great news that she’s already pregnant ang I’m so happy for her. On the other hand, our College batch got the chance to reunite. We reminisce, chit-chat, laugh, goof around like what we always do, ang talked about good old days of our College life. It's really an overwhelming and joyous feeling!

This year was more gracious and had more memorable moments that made it the best year for us. 1st quarter of 2011 (February), we’ve been to Boracay Island. It was really a great vacation in a wonderful paradise island with lots of memories and fun. Holy week this year (April) we discovered paradise in northernmost part of Bicolandia, the Calaguas Island in Camarines Norte. It’s really a paradise because of its virgin & unspoiled island. It boasts of powdery white sand beach, crystal-clear water, and unspoiled natural resources, a place where you can truly relax while enjoying the beauty and serenity of the place. Then before –ber months strike (August), we explored Sagada Mountain Province & Banaue Rice Terraces. We've got the chance to enjoy the cool climate and see up close & personal the famous Sagada's hanging coffin and the majestic Banaue Rice terraces. Then for my birthday celebration (September) Honey and I decided to revisit Cebu and see the beauty that Bohol can offer. It’s the best birthday ever because Honey and I spend quality time together in the beautiful province of Bohol. We’ve got the chance to enjoy Panglao beach and see the Chocolate hills, manmade forest, loboc river, and the very cute tarsier. On Lola Rhem's birthday and our anniversary, (October) B4LIFE together with my sister and her friends revisited Star City and Club Manila East to enjoy the long weekend  and we really had a blast. Then recently our Christmas(December) vacation at the province of Zambales to discover the enchanting Anawangin Cove. It's a very memorable one because we tend to survive living in the island for one night without signal and electricity. 2011's really been good to us because we've got the opportunity to discover magnificent places, amazing culture and kind-hearted people of the Philippines. Thank you Lord for the outpouring blessings to discover your creation.

2011 was a great year to many of us, but not with others. Lot of crimes and lot of disaster, like Typhoon Sendong that hit Mindanao. That's why our company donated old clothes that we collected from our employees & friends to helped victims of Typhoon Sendong. And once again we proved that Filipinos are known for "Bayanihan" and being resilient. Nothing can bring down the Filipino spirit for having a positive attitude full of hope whenever problems strike.

 There are lot of reasons to be thankful. With the outpouring blessings to me and my family I cannot ask for more but praise the Lord above. Yes I have some losses, but I gained more than what I lost. I wanna thank Him over and over for all the good things that had happened this year. Lord i thank you for all the wonderful blessings that you gave me and my family, All praise be yours, my Lord, through all that you have made. Thanks to all the people who have great contribution to make my 2011 meaningful, worth and joyous. Thanks to my B4life family, my family on both sides and my close friends. I love you all, and may God bless you a hundred folds.  My utmost gratitude to everyone and I am looking forward to a more eventful, joyous & blessed 2012! Have a prosperous New Year 2012 everyone! Cheers!


  1. i like everything you've written and posted here phrile. It's all true and comes from the heart. such a blessing to have you as one of my friends. Please continue to share and inspire others. Happy New Year!:-)

  2. Thanks very much Baby much delighted by your compliment. Same here, I'm blessed with such precious friends and youre one of them. thanks for the fun and joy of our friendship. Happy New year to you and God Bless!


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